About Us

Suisse Gold (Europe) Limited is a market specialist in numismatic coins, collectible coins and other specialty monetary instruments. We specialise in limited edition, current and antique coins, Ancient and Medieval coins, British coins, Biblical coins, and official government issued coins. Other specialties include currency, including but not limited to paper currency, both current and historic. We trade silver backed dollar notes and gold-backed currency from before 1964. Via our specialization we offer the following services: 


  • Numismatic purchases. Suisse Gold (Europe) Limited purchases numismatic products directly from clients throughout Europe. Our prices are competitive, particularly for items that have already been graded for condition. If you have numismatic items that you are interested in selling, please contact us.


  • Numismatic sales. Suisse Gold (Europe) Limited sells numismatic products to clients and wholesalers worldwide. Through our carefully curated network of specialists, we are able to find the right outlets for all collectibles and these relationships allow us to offer clients the best prieces for their products.


  • Market Analysis. Due to the frequency of trades Suisse Gold (Europe) Limited makes in the numismatic sector, the company is well positioned to offer its clients general market analysis on trends in the industry, including changes in popularity of coin genres. Some general analysis is published on our website, or it is shared directly with clients.